At Schneider Chiropractic, we understand the importance that you place on your wellness. In order to achieve your objectives, you have come to expect the highest levels of service and client care. We continuously re-commit ourselves to meeting and exceeding your expectations. To us, providing a total healthcare experience means a dedicated and friendly staff, cutting-edge healthcare tools for evaluation and treatment, flexible and convenient hours, and the highest quality health care available.
This website is one more way for us to provide you with superior client care and service. You can now access our expertise at your leisure — with ease, simplicity, and convenience. It is our way of extending the advantages of our approach and philosophy to you — providing you with a constant link to our premium client care.
Why Chose Us?
At Schneider Chiropractic, located in Ventura, CA, we offer a range of services, such as the following:
Chiropractic Care
Nutritional Hematology-Blood Analysis
Detox Programs
Weight Loss Programs
Individualized Nutrition Counseling:
- 12 Week Nutrition/Weight Loss
- Menu Planning
- Exercise and Rehabilitation Programming
- Toxicity Evaluation
Nutrition and Biological Markers:
- pH
- Blood Work and Toxicity Evaluation, Monitering
- Inflammatory Markers
- Liver Function
- Metabolism
- Free Radical Status
- Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Protein Metabolism
- Enzyme and HCL Assessment
- Kidney Function
Movement Analysis and Rehabilitation:
- Trauma Evaluation and Treatment
- Chronic Myofascial Pain and Movement Disorders
- Emotional Rehabilitation
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Cellular energy levels, Mitochondrial Dysfunction
- Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain, Headache Pain, Extremity Pain
- Sports Injury Evaluation
- Sports Effectiveness and Maximization
- Neurological Evaluation and Treatment
- Foods and Nutritional Supplements
Food Allergy
Adrenal Stress Index
GI Panels
Gluten Intolerance/Celiac Disease
Hair Analysis
Bio Impedance Body Scan
Body Fat %
RMR, Calories Burned Per Day
Areas I Specialize In:
- Detox Programs
- Weight Loss Resistance Treatment
- Tiredness, Fatigue, CFS
- Fibromaylgia
- Depression
- Allergies
- Women’s Health Issues
- Headaches
- Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia